The MDPI ranked the Effecto app as the best chronic condition tracker
JUL 2022
The Swiss MDPI JAL evidence-based journal ranked the Effecto app as the best chronic illness tracker.
The COVID-19 app "Karantinas" has been introduced
APR 2020
The initiative to apply smart technologies to the isolation of quarantined persons arose from the joint efforts of the Government, the National Public Health Center (NVSC), the team of the wellness app "Lympo", the Kaunas Clinic of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Hospital, and the Vilnius City Municipality. The "Quarantine" app was designed to track daily symptoms of the coronavirus, as well as promote preventive actions and self-isolation maintenance.
The news about this app was publicized through the national broadcaster, major media portals, and various European ministries.
Samsung Health App Together Tab introduced to the Samsung
JAN 2020
My proposed design for the Samsung Health application was introduced by Lympo CEO Ada Jonušė and CSO Tadas Maurukas to the Samsung team (incl. the VP of Samsung Electronics) during an event in Las Vegas, Nevada, the United States in early 2020.